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Dropship Program

Kissy Hair Dropship Hair Program:

Drop shipping is a convenient retail fulfillment solution tailored for online hair sellers, hair salons, and hair store owners. With this service, you can streamline your operations as you won't need to maintain stock. Instead, when a customer places an order, Kissy Hair will handle the packaging and shipping directly to your customer without any Kissy Hair branding.

Our drop-ship customers typically start by purchasing sample hair kits to assess the quality. Once satisfied, they transition to drop shipping, taking advantage of our specialized service. There are no extra fees associated with our drop shipping service, and you won't incur any upfront inventory costs or shipping logistics. Kissy Hair ensures that the hair products reach your customers with your custom logo or tags, and the package won't include any Kissy Hair information.

Experience the convenience of drop shipping with Kissy Hair, available for clients worldwide.

Step-by-Step Guide for Hair Drop-ship Services:

1. Your client places an order with you, whether through your hair store, website, or social media sales channel.

2. Forward the order to us, either directly or through our website. Make sure to provide your client's shipping address when placing the order.

3. We prepare your customer's order without labels or by using your custom labels/bags.

4. We ship the order directly to your customer and provide you with a tracking number for reference.

Looking forward to hearing from you