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VIP Member Rewards

Better to serve our loyal customers, we're glad to introduce you to our VIP member rewards program. As a VIP member, you can enjoy more benefits.

1. How does Kissy Hair’s VIP program work?

Kissy Hair’s VIP program includes 3 stages, and each stage will enjoy different price discounts. Our system has a record of purchase history and we can calculate your VIP level according to how much you have spent.

Bronze VIP: Accumulative spent between $1000-$4999, enjoy 5% off regular price

Silver VIP: Accumulative spent between $5000-$19999, enjoy 8% off regular price

Gold VIP: Accumulative spent over $20000, enjoy 10% off regular price

2. VIP Benefits
VIP Grades BenefitsBronze VIPSilver VIPGold VIP
Prior Shipping
Free product image & description
Free logo & packaging design
Birthday Gift
Free Website Building Support
3. To be Kissy Hair’s great fan
  • Do a YouTube review after purchase, and send it to us, you can earn 20 US dollars.
  • Take photos after you receive the hair or after you wear them. Send them to us and you can earn 2 US dollars per photo.